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It’s hard to live with trauma and be a survivor of violence. Some of the best forms of healing involve talking with others about your experience. We highly encourage you to reach out to loved ones as well as hotlines and organizations which have the resources to help you. In the meantime, please leave words of encouragement for survivors or a message on how events such as Take Back the Night have helped you. Please do not include any personal information such as your name or the names of others. All submissions will be anonymously posted on this page.


You can enter your submissions by sending us a message through our social media DMs or filling out an anonymous google form

DM WILL's Instagram: @will_umdearborn
DM WILL's Twitter: @WUmdearborn
Fill out and submit our google form here:



"To my guy, gal, or nonbinary pal reading this, things ALWAYS get better. We can’t always see it in the spur of the moment, but everything is balanced in life. It still doesn’t take away with how strong you have to be to process trauma. Know things resolve with time, but let yourself grieve and process pain. Tell yourself  “hey I’m in the middle of the hardest thing I’ve yet had to do, and I’m allowed to feel scared and overwhelmed at times.” It helps us see how we progress eventually towards complete wellness, self love, and rehabilitation <3 :)"

"To whoever is reading this, I love you more than you can imagine. I love you more than the feeling of sunlight on your face on a cool day. I love you more than the smell of lavender and the sweetness of honey. I love you to the moon and back, tenfold :) I had an experience with sexual assault in the past, but after a hard period of feeling guilty, shameful and scared, I got the help I needed. Just because it gets better doesn’t mean it wasn’t the hardest thing I’ve done. For whenever you find it hard to love yourself, I love you infinitely <3"

"A part of healing is coming to the realization that you did nothing wrong to deserve to be assaulted, but also coming to the conclusion that everyone do not have the same regard for their moral compass as you do. What helped me was knowing that I still own my body despite what happened to me. I encourage survivors to seek therapy and take self defense classes so that they can know how to protect themselves if need be. I also encourage carrying protection items even it's just pepper spray and avoid walking alone on campus during the night."

"I used to participate in a research program hosted at a largely conservative hospital. A white doctor got so mad and launched an angry rant about how terrible the #MeToo movement is because they should be allowed to hold patients' hands to comfort them. I regret not standing up and explaining the concept of consent." [submission has been edited for clarity]

"I am so proud of your courage and passion, your selflessness and dedication, your willingness to put yourself out there to ensure we really can Take Back the Night. Moved to tears by how lucky I am to be a faculty person to such amazing students..."

"I was raped multiple times at 14. I didn't tell anyone until I was 19. I believed it was my fault until I sought out therapy because my PTSD was destroying my life. My therapist told me it wasn't my fault, and we worked hard enough for me to believe it wasn't. She helped me realize what it means to be treated decently. I still have trust issues and panic attacks related to the situation, but I use my experience to continue to educate people about sexual assault and spread awareness."

"Thank you WILL shedding light on such a difficult topic."

"There's both girls and boys in my life who have been victim to SA and I just want to say that I have never in my life thought less of them. I have never thought they deserved it or asked for it. If you're a victim and you're scared to open up just know that those who love you will not judge you for it and they will be there for you. You are so strong for enduring your pain but you don't have to go through it alone"

"I know it seems hard and it seems like you’ll never get through it but I know you are strong enough to face it. I KNOW YOU CAN GET THROUGH IT! Don’t give your perpetrator so much control to destroy your life. You are the only one who influences your life. Don’t give that person so much control. You’ve been through something unimaginable and don’t let that make you weaker. Rather let it be your strength, a reason to rise above and show people you’re a real boss bitch"

"To all survivors: I believe you. You are so loved."

"Take a deep breath. Before you let it out know that I believe you. Know that you are so strong. You are worth it. You have been through so much and I believe you. Release that breath slowly and with it let all of that pain, the fear, the anger, let it all go even for just one moment because you deserve to feel okay again. You can make it through even if its just one day, one hour, or one minute at a time. You will never be alone, because I am here to tell you that I believe you and I will stand by your side in this fight to take back the night."

"I'm a victim of sexual assault. I was 7, 13, and 14 years old. The first two times were by a family member, then a "friend." I tried telling my parents but they punished me for lying... So, I never told anyone going forward. I'm glad the family member lived out of state because I fear how often it could've happened had they lived closer but they continuously haunt my dreams."

"I want you to know it’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. You are worthy of a good life. You need to know that whatever type of abuse that you are experiencing or have experienced, it’s not your fault. I don’t care what society says, it’s not your fault. I don’t care what your spouse or intimate partner says, it’s not your fault. I don’t care what your family may think, it’s not your fault. I don’t care what anyone else thinks but you. I want you to not only think, but know that it’s not your fault, and it never will be."

"To survivors: Your life is valid. Your voice is valid. You are valid."

"To all survivors: it is not your fault. Nothing you did caused this violence to happen to you. You deserve compassion and support."

"Sometimes our brain convinces us this pain from our trauma is what we deserve, but know that you didn't deserve to go through your experience and that I'm so proud of you for how far you've come"

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